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  1. RedDiamond

    Solved On Join Teleport

    Hei guys, so i wanna make a script so that when people first time join they get teleport to a specific coordinate in a world and I try this one its not working, anyone can help me with it? on first join: teleport player to location(40 23 171 world "flat") and I wanna make a script that when...
  2. E


    Hello, i need help with this: on place of a GOLD BLOCK: message "Spawnpoint set" make player execute command "/spawnpoint %player%" I want to make spawnpint on top of the gold block How to do it? And if gold block destroyed, spawnpoint removed.
  3. C

    Solved Teleport player in world?

    Hello. Whenever I try teleporting a player in a specific wold and location, it dosen't work... Also.. I forgot how to set the spawn point of the player to its location? This is the error: [20:59:11 ERROR]: '-67, 67, 58' is not an entity type (simple, line 285: teleport player to -67...
  4. Aidanete

    Script RPG Checkpoint Statues 1.0

    RPG Checkpoint Statues Hi, everyone. I'm Aidanete and this is my first script made for publishing. Is simple and lightweighed and is very useful to a RPG Server. This script allows you to make statues with blocks that can place your spawnpoint as the Cube World statues did! Features Easy to...