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    Welcome to skUnity! This is a forum where members of the Skript community can communicate and interact. Skript Resource Creators can post their Resources for all to see and use.

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  1. Skaya

    Skungee help, Console Spam?

    Hi, if I try to connect my Hexacord with my 1.8 Server in combination with Skungee it spams in my Consol. On the Server and on the Proxy: 20:38:27 [INFO] §8[§cSkungee§8] §eConnected to server [SERVER1] with port 41575 20:38:27 [INFO] §8[§cSkungee§8] §eConnected to server [SERVER2] with port...
  2. Adrihun

    Solved skQuery spam error

    When I kick a player with kick player due to "test" skQquery gives me a big error message in console (once). Also, when players get kicked for using world downloader, the same thing happens (i'm using AntiWDL plugin from spigot) Here is the error Message: [17:07:25 ERROR]: Could not pass...
  3. Adrihun

    Solved Skellett / SkelettProxy Broke!

    Skript Version: Skript 2.2 (dev25) Skript Author: Someone Minecraft Version: 1.8.8 Console Errors: Bungee ---> Lobby-1 ---> Addons using (including versions): Skelett (Latest), MundoSK (Latest), SkDragon (Latest)...
  4. T

    Script SkAntiSpam 1.1

    SkAntiSpam Description SkAntiSpam is a simple, lightweight script that gives protection against spam bots. SkAntiSpam uses a character repeat system in which any user who has reached a certain amount of spam warnings will need to complete. A randomly generated set of characters are given to...
  5. Adrihun

    Solved a
