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  1. HonestlyPanda

    Solved Help With on right click:

    I'm making a Mega Tnt but it doesn't work... how do I make it work with more than 2 tnt??? Heres code: on place: player is holding tnt named "&7[&4&lDeadly Tnt&7]": set {_loc} to location of event-block cancel event wait 1 seconds spawn 9 tnt at {_loc}
  2. S

    Can't understand this condition/effect send title

    Version: 1.12.2 Version of Skript: v37c Addons of Skript: SkQuery, Skelett, SkRayFall, TuSKe, MundoSK Skript: function bg_death(p: player): metadata value "BG-DEATH" of {_p} is not set: set metadata value "BG-DEATH" of {_p} to "SET" set {_uuid} to uuid of {_p} add...