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  1. Denloself

    how to make shield cooldown with skript-reflect?

    i am trying to make shield cooldown with skript-reflect, but i have no idea what to do, my code looks like this now: import: org.bukkit.entity.LivingEntity on damage of player: if victim is blocking: set {_p} to the victim {_p}.setShieldBlockingDelay(20) no error in...
  2. Shadow Klassic

    Shield/Ender Pearl Cooldown on Custom Items

    Heyup guys! So how can i make an animation played like an enderpearl when executed played on any item. Skript mirror and that packet addon is present in my plugins folder! i am aware there are ways to do it with java plugins and protocol lib but is there a way to integrate it through skript...
  3. FistoF

    Squad Shield

    Category: PvP Suggested name: Squad Shield Spigot/Skript Version: Whichever is the newest at the time of making this script What I want: The Squad Shield from Star Wars Battlefront 1. A player places down a brewing stand ✅ 2. It starts smoothly❌ emitting particles in a shape of a one big...
  4. P

    Sign with

    Hey! How can I make the sign show the number of players in a world?
  5. revkilleri

    Solved Disable shield slot completely

    Hi, i really need help. I want to disable put shield item to offhand slot, but i dont have an idea how to solve it. This prevent only change item by press "F", but nothink more. I tried too "on inventory click:", but i need prevent put Shield item to slot 40 (offhand) in inventory. Any...