script help

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  1. DeltaGGYT

    Flint And Steel for traveling across worlds

    Hi, i need a lighter which can teleport across worlds. And this lighter can use only one player, i don't know how i need do access for one people, change world for teleportation and timer for it (3 second after click for teleport too teleport in world)
  2. Z

    Delete Splash Potions on floor

    I have a potions kit which consists of 3 speed 2 potions, 2 strength potions, and, 31 Splash potions of healing which equates to a full inventory. My problem is that whenever I use the kit with other things in my inventory, some potions drop on the floor which could cause lag. I'm using...
  3. M

    Please help me with my script

    Im trying to make a gen server with placeable gens but the upgrade from tier 1 to tier 2 does not work, i cant find out why it doesn't work on right click on white glazed terracotta: if player is sneaking: if {cooldown.%player%} is true: send "%{prefix}% Slow down!"...
  4. M

    Need Gui Script Shop Help

    I am creating my script for my shop in my Minecraft server (mine hut) and when i reload the script it says "can't understand this condition: "player balance is greater than or is equal to 2000 run" (, line 5: if player balance is greater than or is equal to 2000 run:")" this is the...
  5. D

    Solved Script help. I want my player to executet a luckperms command

    on first join: trigger: make player run command "/lp user %player_name% parent set player" as op I want them to force execute this command when they join? pls help. /lp user %player_name% parent set player
  6. MrScopes

    Solved Help with "if arg 1 is not set:"

    I'm having problems with where to place "if arg 1 is not set:"
  7. MrScopes

    Solved Clearing another players inventory

    I'm setting up a /clear command, but I haven't found a way to clear another players inv. Also, could someone fix the aligning of the "if arg 1 is not set:" I get minor errors with it. command /clear [<player>]: aliases: /ci, /eclear permission: scopes.clear permission message...