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    Welcome to skUnity! This is a forum where members of the Skript community can communicate and interact. Skript Resource Creators can post their Resources for all to see and use.

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  1. _tud

    Addon skript-scoreboards v1.0.2

    skript-scoreboards skript-scoreboards is an addon that allows you to create and manage packet-based scoreboards easily. Features - Packet-based scoreboards - Per player scoreboards - Scoreboards with shared viewers - No character limit on lines - Support for custom line scores (Minecraft...
  2. SpawnRusher

    Top Kills Scoreboard

    I'm trying to make a top kills scoreboard for my server, and I don't know how I would do it. Any help?
  3. C


    Hello I need help with my scoreboard. My script: It always comes the error: 'player' is not an item stack (, line ...: .....) I am happy about any help! German: Hallo Ich brauche Hilfe bei meinen Scoreboard. Mein Skript...
  4. Adrihun

    Solved Stylish scoreboards 50mb

    So I'm trying to make A scoreboard animation with skelett scoreboard. on join: player has permission "scoreboarddzz.use" wait 1 second while player is online: set title of stylish scoreboard "test-%player%" to "&dLol" if player is not online: stop...
  5. Adrihun

    Solved Need help with Scoreboards

    I can't make Scoreboards work. This is my code: on join: createBoard(player, "KITBOARD", 15) set title of stylish scoreboard "KITBOARD-%player%" to " &a&lKITPVP " set stylish scoreboard of player to "KITBOARD-%player%" updateBoard(player) function updateBoard(p: player)...