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    Welcome to skUnity! This is a forum where members of the Skript community can communicate and interact. Skript Resource Creators can post their Resources for all to see and use.

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  1. Q

    Solved Is there an Addon for WorldEdit Schematics that works with 1.17?

    Hi there, Im trying to paste a WorldGuard Schematic in my Skript on a 1.17.1 Server. I’ve heard that I can use „structures“, but is there an Addon for WorldEdit Stuff? (Skematics seems not to work with 1.17)
  2. B

    Pasting schematic using Skematic not working

    I have a function that should paste a schematic at a specific location, but it doesn't do anything. From what I understand I am using the correct syntax. Here's the code I'm using: function pvp(): broadcast "test" load schem "pvp.schem" paste schem "pvp.schem" at location(0, 10, 0)...
  3. L


    Im making a custom game to my server but i dont know how to load in a schematic that i have saved via skript pls help.
  4. L

    Skript crashes when using Skematic

    Skript Version: Skript 2.4.1 Minecraft Version: 1.12.2 I have a minigame i am developing that needs to clear everything from the map each round so i tried installing Skematic but when i restarted my server i got an error saying that something went horribly wrong because of this addon... can...