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  1. F

    Need help with Web Requests (Reqn)

    For some reason a var does not work in the web request link. For example: "&uuid=%uuid of player%" works just fine, but using it in a function where we use {_p} instead of player it just returns <none> I've tested this: And I've no clue why this is
  2. B

    Solved Skript get Text from URL

    I dont know what happen when i get text from url i got different text my code: command /ttvoter: trigger: if sender is console: # send request to...
  3. P

    Reqn Discord Webhook <none> Variable

    I used reqn addon and tried to do a new project with the involvement of discord webhooks. command /post:test: trigger: set {_custom} to "something" wait a second send a "post" request to "" with the body "content=Test this var...
  4. D

    Solved Reqn

    Hello how to use bodys in reqn becaus, this dont wanne work send a "post" request to "" with the headers "X-Tebex-Secret: " and body "{""package_id"":""356543""}"
  5. btk5h

    Addon Reqn 1.2.1

    Reqn is an HTTP request library for Skript 2.X. Documentation/Source - Releases Quickstart # Send a get request to a url. The protocol (http or https) is required. send a request to "" # Send a request using a different HTTP method. send a "put" request to...