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  1. C

    Creating an array

    Hello. I have a server with the luckperms plugin and I want to create an array there with all the ranks, called {ranks}. I wanted to create a command to rank people really fast, with /rank [<player>] [<text>] (the text arg is the rank). My first attempt went well: command /rank [<player>]...
  2. Adrihun

    Skript Commands with Anti Spam?

    I made a Rank Manager in script, so if you do /setrank Adrihun Owner, it will give me the rank Owner and I have also added some nice things to it like fireworks. And if an admin spams this command, there will be a lot of fireworks, etc. So I tried to make an anti spam for this and it worked...
  3. Adrihun

    Solved Rank helper

    Category: Ranks Suggested name: UpdaterRank What I want: I want a simple script. If you type in /rank add (name of the player) (name of the rank) it will give the player the rank that you typed in (OWNER, BUILDER etc) and console will then execute command "pex user NAME group set OWNER" then a...