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    Welcome to skUnity! This is a forum where members of the Skript community can communicate and interact. Skript Resource Creators can post their Resources for all to see and use.

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  1. CodingCat321

    Addon SkProxy 2.4

    SkProxy - Enhance Your Skript with Proxy Management Features! Overview: SkProxy is a powerful Skript addon designed to extend the capabilities of Skript by providing seamless integration with BungeeCord and Velocity proxy networks. This addon allows server administrators to manage and interact...
  2. byPixelTV

    Addon SkCloudnet v1.7.6

    YOU WILL NEED A CLOUDNET V4 INSTANCE TO RUN THIS ADDON! SkCloudnet is a Skript-Addon to interact with your CloudNet v4 instance. If you want to see the release notes. follow this link: The syntax is available on SkriptHub and the SkUnity docs...
  3. L

    Solved Does anyone knows how to install Skungee on Velocity?

    I installed skungee addon and set up configurations, but nothing is working correctly. First of all, command bar always giving me error, whatever i input in it. And also, network variables not save, giving a <none>, when I trying to message the variable. Is there any tutorials how to properly...
  4. Z

    Skungee not working on Velocity server

    Hi! I have Velocity paper server 1.17.1 I installed skungee addon and set up configurations and all.. And now I've faced a lot of problems. These 2 lines are working just fine: connect {_p} to server "survival" set {_players::*} to all proxied players So I can connect from "lobby" ->...