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  1. T

    i need help with this skript it says "'set {placedgens::%value%} to 0' is not an entry (like name =

    variables: set {starttries} to 1 command /start: trigger: remove 1 from {starttries} if {starttries} >= 0: stop else: make player execute command "/plots auto" give player 5 hay block named "&eWheat Gen" Its okay guys i manged...
  2. Marsbar

    Solved Get amount of item from a slot

    I have been trying to do this all day. I want to get an amount of paper from a slot in player's current inventory (slot 5). Here is an example: set {_g} to item from slot 5 of player's current inventory or: set {_g} to amount of items in slot 5 o player's current inventory
  3. D

    Solved PLS HELP me with kitpvp GUI Only will works if you in region: Kitpvpspawn

    Pls help me With this i want it taht the command only work in Region: kitpvpspawn command /kitpvpkits: trigger: if "%region at player%" contains "kitpvpspawn"] open chest with 1 rows named "&a&lSelect kit" to player wait 1 tick format slot 0 of player with...
  4. T

    I really need help.

    For the past months i have had this issue where basicly if i have my skripts in my scripts folder it says on realod "An internal error has occured" And before you ask, I have tried reinstalling skript, and tried EVERY version of skripts for 1.8 if you have any ideas on how to fix then reply...
  5. E

    Mob stacking

    The following code is to stack mobs on spawn of zombie: "%spawn reason%" = "spawner" set metadata "spawnerspawned" of event-entity to true loop all entities in radius 20 of event-entity: loop-entity is a zombie metadata "spawnerspawned" of loop-entity is set...
  6. V

    tuske skript errors

    So i writed a Tuske gui skript but i am getting the error : Can't understand this condition/effect full error link: here code: here