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  1. S

    Armor stand yaw

    I need help for spawn an armor stand looking to player in event-block position: i try with this, it don't send error's but it doesn't work. set {x} to x-coord of event-block set {y} to y-coord of event-block set {z} to z-coord of event-block set...
  2. gstudiosx

    Solved How do i parse a text as a date

    i want to parse "2d 1s" or "2 days 1 second" to a date? does anyone know how i prefer to not have a addon? or not possible or is it possible it can get added? solved it myself
  3. N

    how to make commands for console only

    helo i am 6 year old boy from sveden i want know how make comand only console only player can do /kit elytra <player>i want console only do how do why no body answer my it has been so long pls
  4. T

    Need help

    My code: command /punish <player>: permission: punish trigger: if "%arg-1%" is set: open chest inventory with 5 rows named "&3Punish" to player set {_menu} to current inventory of player set {punish.player} to "%arg-1%" set slot...
  5. D

    Fast skript help

    on break of stone: add 1 to player's level give player 1 diamond of sharpness 1 without any NBT named "&b&lDiamond" ii need help can someone make it so it cancels event im so dumb to put it in and i may break the skript please just fix it and paste in in replys
  6. Vane2k16

    function with options?

    Hello, i need help with a function for a signupdate. this is the function for the signupdate: function signupdate(a: text): set line 1 of block at {knockout.sign::%{_a}%} to "- KNOCKOUT -" set line 2 of block at {knockout.sign::%{_a}%} to "[&aONLINE&r]" set line 4 of block at...
  7. A


    I need some help... I want to make that if a player is sneaking on a white wool block appen something... like send title message... change variables Player is sneaking On a wool block Every 3 second Send message 3 Send message 2 Send message 1 Add 1 to variable money #Repeat it every 3 seconds...
  8. V

    tuske skript errors

    So i writed a Tuske gui skript but i am getting the error : Can't understand this condition/effect full error link: here code: here
  9. T

    I do not have this system

    Hello everyone, I wanted to ask if they knew why this did not work or have another way to do this. I'm sorry if English is bad but I'm from Argentina and I'm using the translator ;) I want to make it set if {_timer} has more minutes than {CCK.% Loop-value% .time.reward} but it does not...