need help pls!

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  1. J

    Ender Crystal Exposition

    I was wondering if anyone can help me figure out how to make Ender Crystal explosions not work or cause damage to entities in specific dimension? For the Overworld and nether: No explosion or damage entities or break blocks For End: Yes explosion and it can damage entities or break blocks
  2. C

    Problem With Variables

    i am trying to recreate parts of skyfactory like silkworms and i have tried to do it but i can't get it to work properly on right click: if {Running} is equal to 1: if targeted block is oak leaves: if distance between targeted block and player is less than or equal to 5...
  3. N

    Please Please Please i need help!!

    Category: Skyblock/Creative Suggested name: OwnKingdoms Spigot/Skript Version: 1.9.4 What I want: Okay. Here it is. Players need to create their own world. And build. And they can invite someone and build together. They can set warps in their island. Its similar to Skyblock Or Creative. When...