minecraft 1.20

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  1. R

    Simple skript problem

  2. S

    Solved How to send a variable in chat?

    Hello everyone! I'm working on skill upgrade and I need to see how many xp I have, but I don't know how to send variables in chat :( command /alchemy_xp: trigger: send "{%player%_alchemy_level}" to the player send "{%player%_alchemy_max}" to the player send...
  3. S

    Solved Dead Horn Corals

    Hello! I have a really strange problem: I have a command that gives you some corals, but sometimes it gives you dead corals! Here's the script: command /grass: trigger: give player 5 horn coral fan named "&eShiny Grass" with lore "&fA Magical herb that emits &ecalming light&f."...
  4. ItStelax

    Cancel enchantments, rename and drop of item

    Hi, i do this code and it don't work ! I don't know why because with just one "if" without "else if" it worked ! I need help for this, it worked with just one if (just one item) but not with lot of items... on inventory click: type of event-inventory is anvil inventory if slot 0 of...
  5. zysw

    I made a lootbox but people can place it on the ground, anyone know how to fix this (the item is a chest)

    im having problems making it so people cant place it on the ground code: on join: add diamond to {items::*} add diamond sword to {items::*} on right click: if player is holding a chest named "lootbox": give player random element out of {items::*} remove 1 chest...