help please

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  1. F

    Disable commands on specific regions

    Yo whatsup I wanna create a skript that when you enter a __global__ region you cannot do /fly anymore, and I know what you're thinking: BUT YOU STUPID IDIOT YOU CAN DO IT ON WORLDGUARD AND ADD TO ADMINS WORLDGUARD.REGION.BYPASS.__GLOBAL__ well, here is the thing! I don't want normal players to...
  2. F

    Solved i have problem on this prestige script

    command /prestigebook [<player>]: permission: trigger: give 1 of written book named "&7&ki &5&lPrestigious &d&lSkyFlood &7&ki" to arg-1 on join: if {prestige.%player's uuid%} is not set: set {prestige.%player's uuid%} to 0 on chat: send "%player's display...
  3. C

    Problem with Variables

    No matter whether the first or the 2nd command. The Else against if { Name of player%} is not "blue" runs. How can I fix it? Even if the variable { of player%} is not set I get the same output from the first else...
  4. M

    Solved on right click on any block

    Hey. i want to make a grave skript but i get errors any time :emoji_astonished: can anybody help me with this? Here is my code: on death: set block at victim to victim's skull set {grave.%block at victim%} to true set {grave.owner.%block at victim%} to victim setinv(victim)...
  5. V

    tuske skript errors

    So i writed a Tuske gui skript but i am getting the error : Can't understand this condition/effect full error link: here code: here