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  1. A

    Event-block condition

    Skript : 2.6.5 skript : Event-block condition Description: Hi, is there a way to detect if i broke the event-block i've placed to cancel the "break event-block" Here is my current script: on place of sponge: "%region at event-location%" contains "test" or "redleft" or "redright" or...
  2. Dominiiikk_

    Solved Spawner Pickaxe

    Hey, I'm basically trying to make a spawner pickaxe. But every time I mine the spawner I only get the blank spawner without the set mob inside. How to fix it? :( on break of mob spawner: if player has permission "minespawner.all": if player's tool is netherite pickaxe...
  3. E

    event-block problem

    bruh moment It isn't work How can I fix it
  4. E

    Solved event-block's name?

    bruh moment It isn't work How can I fix it
  5. Drakem

    on click on exact location

    I cant make this work, please help on rightclick on a trapped chest: set {_location} to location of event-block message "&3%{_location}%" to console #debug if {_location} is location(-124.5, -33.5, 25.5, world "world", -90, -0) : message "&Hello" to player...
  6. C

    Event-block's location.

    on right click: if event-block is yellow glass: if event-block's x-coordinate is 5: if event-block's y-coordinate is 54: if event-block's z-coordinate is 2: Why doesn't this work and could it be more compact?
  7. J


    Hello! I was wondering if anyone could help me with a skript Objective: When a players mine a chest, it checks the items in the chest, & if it has a specific item, in this case for an example, a water bottle, it would cancel the event The skript still runs fine, however when I place a water...
  8. D

    on break/left click on chest (Get chest's name)

    Script Version (do not put latest): Skript 2.2-dev27 Script Author: Me, ItsDvance Minecraft Version: 1.8.9 Full Code: on break of chest: if the event-block's name != "%player%": cancel the event send "&cThis chest can only be modified by &f%event-block's name%" When...
  9. S

    Solved A variable can carry a block ?

    E.g. save an event-block into a list variable {block::*}. It's possible ? Because I'm not getting. on place: add event-block to {blocks::*} on break: loop all blocks in {blocks::*}: broadcast "%loop-block%" Doesn't broadcast. Works if I change to: on break: loop {blocks::*} ...
  10. O

    add {CookedTime:150s} to ntb of event-block error

    Skript Version: Skript 2.2 (dev36) Skript Author: Bensku Minecraft Version: 1.12 Code: on smelt: if event-item is iron ore: add "{CookTime:150s}" to nbt of event-block Errors: [Server] ERROR event-block is not a world My Addons: SkStuff, SkRayfall, TuSKe, SKQuery I can't find a...
  11. Z

    Solved Break Block?

    This is not Right :( on rightclick on chest: break event-block