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  1. JustInTime

    How can i use webhooks using Disky?

    I cannot figure out how the webhooks in disky work. I used this wiki / tutorial thing and i don't understand and it also doesn't work. https://disky.me/docs/messages/webhooks/ No errors but i don't understand where it sends. Nowhere the channel id is entered and it doesn't send on my discord...
  2. N1ghtc1

    Script [DISKY] Discord Link System 1.0

    Discord Link System this script will allow players in your server to link their Discord with their Minecraft accounts in your discord server, its pretty simple and easy to use, can be also used as a verification system. Commands /link - will generate a code and send it to the player, and...
  3. F

    Need help with my disky code

    define new bot named "CoinMCBox": token: "(changed so nobody nukes the dc)" intents: default intents policy: all auto reconnect: true compression: none on ready: set {_linked} to new slash command named "linked" with description "Check for linked people."...
  4. E

    Disky report system

    So I have my code and everything looks fine but I can't find any tutorials on how to send messages on specific channel. I also thought it would be better to get help on here for embedds as well. My current code: Can anyone help?
  5. TheIronMoo

    Other Discord Embeds with DiSKy

    This is an example of a Discord embed: To get an embed to show up in a Discord channel you will need to first have an event, usually this is either a timed thing or it could be a command (which is what I will use in the tutorial): discord command embed: prefixes: ! trigger...
  6. aabss

    disky online command

    i need help with my online command, discord command online: prefixes: . trigger: set {_s::*} to the string argument split at "," reply with "Online players: %join all players with "" | ""%" it wont work Errors:
  7. Radicc

    Disky permissions in a channel

    Does anybody know how to add and remove perms from a role in a channel? i search the docs and nothing works :/ My code: