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  1. Jonathan Cohen

    Game timer is not working

    Script Version: 2.2-dev36 Script Author: Njol Minecraft Version: 1.8.8 Full Code: I am making a skywars minigame using skript and I'm now working on the timer. The first stage of the timer works normal but when the timer hits 0:00 and goes onto 1:59 the timer just...
  2. Jonathan Cohen

    Solved Skript Error

    I keep getting this error on the command "/player (mode)" Skript version: 2.2-dev36 Server version: 1.8.8 craftbukkit Code ----------------------------------- command /play [<text>]: executable by: players trigger: if arg-1 is set: if arg-1 is "solo_normal" or...
  3. FireGuy

    How to create a sorted tablist?

    I want that my tablist is sorted by pex groups, like "&4Owner %player%" is first, then "&6Mod %player%" and so on. I dont found any syntax from addons. Thanks :emoji_slight_smile:
  4. FireGuy

    How to make a player control a saddled horse?

    Minecraft Version: 1.8.8 Skript Version: 2.2-dev36 Do you know how to make a player control a saddled horse? It's not working for me to control this per command. Thanks :)