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  1. Shadow Klassic

    Wynncraft NO AIM feature

    i want to make it so when a mob reaches a player's reach range, and the player doesnt hit directly on the mob's hitbox like usual, i want to make so that the mob gets hit anyway. Idk how to get the tool's damage or change the "hitbox" of the mob. Someone said i could do this with vectors...
  2. FrostPVP™️

    Solved I need a combat log skript

    Uh I need a custom combat log skript for my server - They get warned: make console execute command: warn %player% Combat Log - When they get /killed when combat log: broadcast "&d&lBedr0ck&5&lPVP &8>> &e(player that combat logged) &chas Combat Logged" - when they come back into the game and...