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  1. V

    Permission or integer array inspect

    Hello I want to make the script detect the number from the player's Permission config. From this code if player has permission "inventoryweight.maxweight.150": execute console command "/lp user %arg-1% permission unset inventoryweight.maxweight.150" if...
  2. WhiteWolf

    Tablisknu Array Errors

    Hello! I've been using Tablisknu on my server for array tablists, and it's been working well so far, until I tried setting a tab's icon: command /array: trigger: enable array tablist for player set display name of tab 1, 1 for player to "&bFortunit &d&lBETA" set icon...
  3. C

    Creating an array

    Hello. I have a server with the luckperms plugin and I want to create an array there with all the ranks, called {ranks}. I wanted to create a command to rank people really fast, with /rank [<player>] [<text>] (the text arg is the rank). My first attempt went well: command /rank [<player>]...
  4. H

    Solved Teleporting Players to a Location Saved as a Variable

    Skript version and author not applicable. I'm trying to teleport players in two different arrays to a location saved as a variable, but the players are not being teleported. Can someone please tell me why this portion of my Skript isn't working? Thanks! (I've already added players to the...