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    Welcome to skUnity! This is a forum where members of the Skript community can communicate and interact. Skript Resource Creators can post their Resources for all to see and use.

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  1. IViddyy

    Solved Enchant and Hide All

    Hi im just confused on how to enchant an item in skript.I know how to enchant a tool but i cant enchant a diamond etc. can someone help? I also want to know how to hide all the lore etc.
  2. K

    Loop blocks within 2 locations

    Skript version: 2.4.1 Minecraft Version: 1.16.1 Code: loop all blocks within block at {_location-1} and block at {_location-2}: The code works - however, rather than looping all blocks within the 2 locations, its only looping blocks between the 2 locations. Any solutions?
  3. A

    Loop all players in a list ? HELP !

    Hello everyone ! I have a problem while making a Skript.. I made a list which is called {rtf.kit.tank::*} and I have some players added in this list. I want to loop all players who are in the list. How can I do ? Here is a code for example of using the loop all players in a list. Should I use...
  4. Spartan9802

    Solved Use all planks in recipe

    Good evening, How to use all types of wood in a recipe register? ^^