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  • Welcome to skUnity!

    Welcome to skUnity! This is a forum where members of the Skript community can communicate and interact. Skript Resource Creators can post their Resources for all to see and use.

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  1. Z

    New line in lore

    Hi, i want to start a new line in the lore (only with Skript), how? I have this: command /bank [<text>]: trigger: set {bankmenu} to chest inventory with 4 rows named "Bank" set slot 11 of {bankmenu} to chest named "Coins" with lore "&7Test lore :: test line 2" open...
  2. Z

    Solved Bank interest

    I want every 1 hour add 0.2% of {bank.%player%} to {bank.%player%} (like interest), i want do this with all variables in {account::*} (online and offline players). I have this at the moment, and i can't make the "interest" part works, any help? Thanks on join: if {bank.%player%} is not set...
  3. Z

    Colors in arguments

    On put /g &dHi the color don't work
  4. Z

    Move items

    Hi, i have a problem for block the items movement in the inventory, if i put the cursor in the slot 2 and have item in slot 5 and press 5 the item move to cursor slot, can help me? (White slot is cursor slot) Sorry for my bad english.