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  1. C

    Solved Custom enchants not working

    Nvm I fized but thnz tho
  2. C

    Custom enchants not working

    The skript has no errors but it doesnt add the lore to the item. Also if possible can you make it add to the lore and not just set it into one enchant command hi: permission: core.admin trigger: give player 1 paper named "&5&lEnchanted Paper &7[Divine]" on inventory click: if cursor...
  3. C

    Solved Custom enchants not working

    command hi: permission: core.admin trigger: give player 1 paper named "&5&lEnchanted Paper &7[Divine]" on inventory click: if cursor slot of player is paper: if name of cursor slot of player is "&5&lEnchanted Paper &7[Divine]": if slot item is stone sword: set lore...
  4. C

    Solved Failed to check if player is holding an enchanted item

    On rightclick: if player's tool is Name tag: if lore of player's tool contains "Unbreaking V": # do stuff
  5. C

    Simple Elevator

    it might work idk
  6. C

    Simple Elevator

    options: minElevation: 2 maxElevation: 64 elevatorMaterial: emerald block useUpDownMessages: false up: &aYou have ascended a level. down: &cYou have descended a level. noPermission : &cYou do not have permission to do this. on place: if event-block is {@elevatorMaterial}: if...
  7. C

    Custom enchants

    Category: Custom enchants Suggested name: Custom enchants Spigot/Skript Version: 2.1.4 What I want: I want a skript that when i type a command it opens a gui where i can choose an enchant and it would give it to me as a book. When i click on an item with the book (each enchantment is for a...
  8. C

    Tree/Leaves Lighting on Fire

    on mine: if event-block is log: loop all blocks in a radius of 25: if loop-block is log: stop loop chance of 5%: loop all blocks in a radius of 25: if loop-block is leaves: set block on fire
  9. C

    Sort variables

    thank you but the promblem is i do not have skript mirror due to me using minehut and therefore i am limited to minehut skript addons
  10. C

    Sort variables

    I would like a baltop skript that would sort the variable {balance::*} from highest to lowest only showing the top 15 balances I only use normal skript and tuske and skquery
  11. C

    Equip armour to all players

    command test: trigger: loop all players: equip loop-player with all diamond armour
  12. C

    Solved Command List Scenarios(Text)

    command /scenadd [<text>]: permission: scen.admin permission message: "&eNo Perms!" trigger: if {scen::*} contains arg-1: send "&eThis scenario is already added!" to player else: add arg-1 to {scen::*} send "&eScenario has been added" command /scenreset...
  13. C

    Item Generator

    on right click: if player's tool is paper: if name of player's tool is "$1": command "eco give %player% 1" remove 1 of paper named "$1" from player's inventory Untested
  14. C

    i need help

    command /duty: permission: rp.duty trigger: if {duty.%player%} is false: add player to {duty::*} set {duty.%player%} to true if {duty.%player%} is true: remove player from {duty::*} set {duty.%Player%} to false command...
  15. C

    Solved Command List Scenarios(Text)

    Please dm me what the scenarios are so i can help Here is a template: command /scenadd [<text>]: permission: scen.admin permission message: "&eNo Perms!" trigger: if {scen::*} contains arg-1: send "&eThis scenario is already added!" to player else: add arg-1 to...
  16. C

    Need a Potion effect script.

    every 5 seconds: loop all players: if loop-player's tool is feather: apply Speed 2 to loop-player for 99 days else: remove Speed from loop-player Untested parsed with no errors this does it every 5 seconds
  17. C

    Inventory restore

    Category: Custom tools Suggested name: Admin revive Spigot/Skript Version: 2.4 server version: 1.15.1 What I want: I want a skript for my minehut server that when i type the command /revive [player] it would open a gui where an admin can see all deaths of players with the time of death and...
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    Interactive custom crafting gui

    do you know a way where he can put items in the gui??
  19. C

    Interactive custom crafting gui

    Category: Custom guis Suggested name: Custom crafting Gui Spigot/Skript Version: 2.4 What I want: I want a skript for my minehut server that when i click on a anvil if the player has permission "basic.weaponsmithing" it opens a gui where people can put stuff in the gui to craft items and they...