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  • Welcome to skUnity!

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  1. S

    Solved Area Block Break Help

    Thanks, but already solved it :emoji_smile: Code: loop blocks in radius 1.1 of event-block: if y coordinate of loop-block = y coordinate of event-block: set loop-block to air
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    Solved Area Block Break Help

    Is it possible to make when you destroy 1 block, the blocks around it on a will break? My code right now removes the blocks that are under the block that I break. My code: loop blocks in radius 2 of event-block: set loop-block to air Picture: (The green blocks need to be destroyed, the red...
  3. S

    Multiplier Skript Help

    Don't know, but when i try "/sk update check" it says "You're currently running the latest stable version of Skript."
  4. S

    Multiplier Skript Help

    Already tried it, didn't work for me. And I would be glad if you have something I could do better in my skript.
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    Multiplier Skript Help

    My code works at it should, and simply my question is "how to multiply two variables" :)
  6. S

    Multiplier Skript Help

    Heres the skript, only multiplier don't work, the rest works as it should. command /sell [<text>]: trigger: if arg-1 is not set: send "&a&lSELL &8: &2All Commands." send "&a&lSELL &8: &6/sell help &8- &eShow this text!" send "&a&lSELL &8: &6/sell...
  7. S

    Multiplier Skript Help

    No errors in the Skript. Why doesn't this work? set {money.%player%} to ({multiplier.%player%} * {money.%player%})
  8. S

    Solved OPPrison Auto Sell Help

    I have another skript with /sell, just didn't wanna post it because my sell skript works 100% It won't sell when you have full inventory. Fixed it myself. on join: set {autosell.%player%} to 0 command /autosell: trigger: if {autosell.%player%} is 0: set...
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    Solved OPPrison Auto Sell Help

    idk what i did wrong, no errors. It just don't work. on join: set {autosell.%player%} to 0 command /autosell: trigger: if {autosell.%player%} is 0: set {autosell.%player%} to 1 send "&a&lAUTOSELL &8: &aActivated!" else: set...
  10. S

    OPPrison Auto Sell Help
