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  1. Universe

    Open player's ender chest with named error

    Yes, Im working on it.
  2. Universe

    Open player's ender chest with named error

    Will you solve the problem in my topic? Because I already opened another server and tested it in dev36. The result is still the same
  3. Universe

    Open player's ender chest with named error

    No errors...
  4. Universe

    Open player's ender chest with named error

    But it does
  5. Universe

    Open player's ender chest with named error

    Because dev36 is compatible with 1.8-1.12 server version buy my server version is 1.7/1.8 and destroy my server. Sometimes the server does not even start with dev36 and again no errors.
  6. Universe

    Open player's ender chest with named error

    Yes, i know and working on it Yes, 4 times
  7. Universe

    Open player's ender chest with named error

    dev36 is not compatible with this version
  8. Universe

    Open player's ender chest with named error

    TacoSpigot 1.8.8 with ProtocolSupport
  9. Universe

    Open player's ender chest with named error

    Buy my server is 1.7.x/1.8.x
  10. Universe

    Open player's ender chest with named error

  11. Universe

    Open player's ender chest with named error

    Error: Image:
  12. Universe

    Open player's ender chest with named error

    Doesn't work again No Errors command /test: trigger: open player's ender chest to the player wait 1 seconds set inventory name of player's ender chest to "&aYour Inventory" OR: command /test: trigger: open player's ender chest to the player wait 1...
  13. Universe

    Open player's ender chest with named error

    open ender chest of player to player with name "&e%player%'s Enderchest" Doesn't work