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  • Welcome to skUnity!

    Welcome to skUnity! This is a forum where members of the Skript community can communicate and interact. Skript Resource Creators can post their Resources for all to see and use.

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  1. SkRATZ

    Displaying a item in chat

    Basically wanted to display the player's held item in chat with a command or a message such as [item] or /item on chat: cancel event set {_message} to message set {_item} to player's held item if player's held item is not air: if message contains "[item]"...
  2. SkRATZ

    Solved Deleting duplicates from text

    Im wanting to delete duplicates, instead it just loops through and displays multiple of the same text command /arena <text> [<text>]: trigger: if arg-1 is "list": set {_num} to 1 set {_slot} to {_num} - 1 open virtual chest with size 3 to player...
  3. SkRATZ

    Solved Using a variable in a set slot

    Im trying to figure out how to use a variable instead of a number. Heres a piece of my code: format gui slot 15 of player with book named "&cShop" to run: close player's inventory open virtual chest with size 3 named "&cShop" to player format gui slot...
  4. SkRATZ

    Solved Finding out if something already exist in a list

    I just need some help finding out if something exist in a list #example code Command /example <text>: trigger: if arg-1 exist in {This::*}: stop else if arg-1 is set: add arg-1 to {This::*}
  5. SkRATZ

    Grabbing info from .log files

    Im trying to find a way to grab some text that is stored in a .log file. I couldnt find any ways online #example code options: log: alog.log on chat: log message to "{@log}" command /messagelog <offline player>: trigger: After this I cant find out what to do.