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  • Welcome to skUnity!

    Welcome to skUnity! This is a forum where members of the Skript community can communicate and interact. Skript Resource Creators can post their Resources for all to see and use.

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  1. GlacialDew

    Alternating colors every word

    Hi there! I am trying to work on chat formatting and I cannot figure out a way to achieve something like this. I need help figuring out how to set up a way to split every word and color them one of two colors every other word.
  2. GlacialDew

    prevent use custom item in craft

    The best idea I can think of would be to either remove the recipe that you are trying to keep it from being used or change the base item for you custom item and just add on the functionality to that instead.
  3. GlacialDew

    Solved Set lore of all of an item

    So I'm trying to figure out a way to set the lore of all iron swords that dont have lore. So if a player crafts one, finds one in a chest, gets one off a mob, or through a shop it will always have the set lore. I have no idea of how to do this and would like some help getting started.
  4. GlacialDew

    Click the blocks Command

    Should this go under Requests?
  5. GlacialDew

    Blacklist items/Remove items Completely

    So, Im trying to find a way to basically Blacklist Items. Meaning this would remove recipes and the ability to have it in your inventory. How might I go about doing this?
  6. GlacialDew

    Solved Quick u questiom

    Should probably listen to this ^
  7. GlacialDew

    Solved Quick u questiom

    I believe you could just set the permission of the command to something no one else has and not give it to any staff members or regular players. This would still allow command blocks to use it but keep users from being able to.
  8. GlacialDew

    Solved What version of Skript should I use for 1.13.2

    Thanks! I'm going to try this and I'm also going to switch server verisons!
  9. GlacialDew

    Solved What version of Skript should I use for 1.13.2

    I'm trying to get a version of Skript that will at least work on 1.13.2 servers. I've tried multiple versions from but none are seeming to work. Can anyone tell me what version they are using along with spigot version, it will help me greatly! Thanks!
  10. GlacialDew

    Thats pretty cool, but i've been bogged down with constant school work lately and family issues...

    Thats pretty cool, but i've been bogged down with constant school work lately and family issues. So its been a while since i have actually touched anything. Maybe once I get back into the flow of things we can work on it some
  11. GlacialDew

    How do I fix this?

    whenever i use it, it will either not stop it from placing once over the max, or it wont allow me to place anything .-.
  12. GlacialDew

    How do I fix this?

    its already set to 0
  13. GlacialDew

    How do I fix this?

    I want it to where players can only place a maximum of blocks, but I cant figure out how to lay it out, this is what I have so far but it doesnt stop players from placing over the max. on place: set {owner::%event-block%} to player if event-block is spruce wood planks: if...
  14. GlacialDew

    Script [Deleted] Custom Ores *ABANDONED*

    GlacialDew submitted a new resource: Custom Ores CORE - Perfect For A New Prison Experience! - The Core For a New System of Ores & Gems! Read more about this resource...
  15. GlacialDew

    Solved how can i give blocks 'owners'

    How can I make it to where when a player places a block, it can only be broken by that player and nobody else. Im trying to make a custom gamemode where players will be able to raid but I cant use any extra plugins that dont involve skript, so Factions is not an option.
  16. GlacialDew

    Solved How do I spawn a Zombie that does damage

    When I spawn the zombie it will spawn normally and proceed to target a player and chase after it. It makes an effort to attack the player but doesnt do any damage. I cant figure out how to fix this issue and its been happening in a few different skripts of mine on rightclick: if player is...
  17. GlacialDew

    Solved How to set helmet to custom player head?

    I saw thanks ^-^
  18. GlacialDew

    Solved How to set helmet to custom player head?

    this is what happens when I do that [16:36:38 ERROR]: a slot can't be set to 'skull of "Alchemist"' because the latter is neither an item type nor an item stack (, line 42: set the helmet of the last spawned zombie to skull of "Alchemist"') alright didnt see the edit
  19. GlacialDew

    Solved How to set helmet to custom player head?

    i needed to do this post better in the first place .-. my fault there. BUT I am aware that helmet is misspelled, my problem is trying to put a custom player head in that slot rather than a helmet or default head.
  20. GlacialDew

    Solved How to set helmet to custom player head?

    im aware of that, so can you help me with what im having troubles with?