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  • Welcome to skUnity!

    Welcome to skUnity! This is a forum where members of the Skript community can communicate and interact. Skript Resource Creators can post their Resources for all to see and use.

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  1. J

    Item Exchanger Skript

    I have an item exchange skript where you trade lower tier protection stones for higher tier ones through the GUI Issue: it only detects one protection stone in my inventory, when im actually holding 2 of them. If I move them to another slot, the trade then works and it counts as 2. loop-slots...
  2. J


    Everything works it's just that when I use the command, and I have 2 of the item in my hand, it only detects as one item, so it seems to only be reading the first item of the slot and not the entire stack. How do I loop-slots? Or get skript to loop stacks of items? My skript...
  3. J

    tag mutliplier of tool's nbt

    I am trying to make a simple booster skript that will give a permission to a player after using a nether star with said name. The Skript: The problem I am having is giving a player a permission doing /manuaddp %player% opgods.booster.%{_multi}% Does this...
  4. J

    Skript temporary permission help

    I am trying to make temporary permissions through Skript The Skript: Nothing will execute after "if {one.%loop-player%.lastused} is less than 1 second:"
  5. J

    Skript temporary permission help

    I am trying to make temporary permissions through Skript The Skript: The last two lines of the skript are me testing, but when using it, it adds the perm and then immediately removes it from the player, any help would be great, thanks!