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  1. G

    Parse more than one enchant?

    command /test: trigger: equip player with all leather armour of projectile protection 2 and unbreaking 5 works fine for me, try if it works in your server
  2. G

    Parse more than one enchant?

    efficiency 5 and unbreaking 3 try if that works
  3. G

    get line count of yml list

    So I'm trying to loop a yml list to get the highest rated player, making a leaderboard. I use a yml list to store the elo points elo: BuildUHC: 8580db88-d6c3-42a6-81af-0ec6f055ecc8: 979.0 ff576433-4e28-4e3d-954e-04d967766744: 1021.0 set {_count} to yml value "elo.BuildUHC"...
  4. G

    Parse more than one enchant?

    add a space and replace unbreakable with unbreaking should work
  5. G

    Arena Regenerator

    I use multiverse to create new worlds for every match since I use void worlds, cloning doesn't take long and doesn't lag also, you can have multiple matches at the same time because you don't need to have multiple arena's
  6. G

    Anticheat help

    sorry, add it i just copied it from my own skript and edited it a bit
  7. G

    Solved exact message

    Thanks a lot, changing the config worked!
  8. G

    Anticheat help

    I wrote a quick skript command /anticheat: trigger: if {kabot.inuse} isn't set: set {kabot.inuse} to true delete {kabot.%uuid of arg 2%} loop all entities: if loop-entity is "killauraBot": hide loop-entity from...
  9. G

    Solved exact message

    If you do something like this on chat: message is "test" message "test" when you type 'test' in chat you'll get 'test' back but if you type 'tEsT', you'll still get 'test' back any way to disable this?
  10. G

    teleport player to world

    examples? doesn't work
  11. G

    teleport player to world

    @Lego_freak1999 is there any way you can teleport a player with pitch, to make them look straight
  12. G

    teleport player to world

    I'm trying to teleport a player to a specific world, without using variables and 'teleport the player to the world's spawn point'. I don't want to use variables because I want to edit the location precisely. If I write teleport player to location (0, 0, 0, spawn), it'll say 'spawn)' is not a world.
  13. G

    Solved set attacker on player death

    Hey, I'm making a little duels server, with BuildUHC. If a player dies by fire, or by igniting the player with ignite <argument>, it doesn't count that the player placed the fire. Sorry for bad English :6
  14. G

    Solved make a player damage someone

    I don't know how I didn't figure that out by myself, thanks a lot!
  15. G

    Solved make a player damage someone

    Hey, So I'm trying to make a little duel plugin with wands and stuff. I want to detect when a player dies, which isn't that difficult with on death of player: #event I want to damage any players that are in a 3 block radius of the targeted block of the executor. loop all entities...