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  • Welcome to skUnity!

    Welcome to skUnity! This is a forum where members of the Skript community can communicate and interact. Skript Resource Creators can post their Resources for all to see and use.

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  1. WeeabooGarbage

    I can't figure out how to setup shared skripts with skelleyproxy. Where do I pm you for help?

    I can't figure out how to setup shared skripts with skelleyproxy. Where do I pm you for help?
  2. WeeabooGarbage

    Skript and BungeeCord

    I'm trying to send players across servers with skript. Is there any plugin that all the servers are supposed to have: Because the documentation says I need BungeeCord and I don't know if I need that on all the servers because its not working.
  3. WeeabooGarbage

    Solved Infinite Loop?

    How do I make an infinite loop in skript because whenever I try to do something periodically like "every second" it gives me an error.
  4. WeeabooGarbage

    Broken Command

    For some reason the last line of this code is causing the command to break and I'm wondering why that might be. command /ksmenu13: trigger: if {team.%player%} is equal to "Red": if {corejump.progress.redteam} >= 20: message "&7Core Jump Buff Already...
  5. WeeabooGarbage

    World Save For Reset

    I was wondering if its possible to have a world saved in the main file or in it's own file that can replace an existing world so I can reset a world within skript to an old save? Thanks!
  6. WeeabooGarbage

    Break Loop Effect?

    Is there an effect in skript to break a loop?
  7. WeeabooGarbage

    Solved Quotes Inside of Quotes

    Is there any way to put quotes inside of quotes in Skript without it giving you an error.
  8. WeeabooGarbage

    Solved Ignite TNT When it's Placed

    Ok so I'm trying to make TNT ignite when it's placed, and this obviously works on place of tnt: set {tnt.block} to block below event-block broadcast "%{tnt.block}%" set block below event-block to redstone block set block below event-block {tnt.block} but for some reason its not...
  9. WeeabooGarbage

    Solved Stepping on Any Block

    Is there any way to check if a player is stepping on any block because I've tried it with the "on step" event but it says I have to choose a specific block.