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  • Welcome to skUnity!

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  1. Ashey_Gamer

    Disable Throwing of snowball

    a simple skript on disabling snowballs being thrown. been using below so far but can find anything of actually cancelling projectile event on rightclick with snowball: if "%region at shooter%" contains "spleef":
  2. Ashey_Gamer

    Time in a region

    yes the second part is what im after but i have got a clue how i would even do that
  3. Ashey_Gamer

    Time in a region

    this how they set-up the rewards system (i did not make this) and a command is wanted to check how long they player has afk at the pool (time spent in region)
  4. Ashey_Gamer

    Time in a region

    sorry i may of been unclear what i meant, so we have an afk reward system every 30 mins and 2 hrs but players wanted to check how long they have been afk and this time carries over if they leave and come back into afk region.
  5. Ashey_Gamer

    Time in a region

    So how i go about making a timer for a player's time spent in a region? so far ive got command /afktime: trigger: if "%region at player%" contains "afk": would i use a timespan expression??? idk :/ sorry I'm new to skript and still learning.
  6. Ashey_Gamer

    CMI Placeholders

    well i thought that but idk problem solved ty
  7. Ashey_Gamer

    CMI Placeholders

    error solved, CMI placeholders apparently don't work in skript ( well didnt on our server) here was my resolution set the chat format to "%formatted player's prefix%&8|%formatted {_prefix}% &f%player%&8→ &f%message%" thanks for the support anyway!
  8. Ashey_Gamer

    CMI Placeholders

    so im making a /setprefix command and im trying to add the servers current rank prefix to the chat format with a cmi placeholder but it seems its not detecting and just appears as '<none>'. Ive tried many different variations any help? set the chat format to...