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  • Welcome to skUnity!

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  1. N

    How do i fix this itemcap?

    ...I made part of this. It should work fine. That being said, you did some strange stuff with the delay and the organizing, so this should work. options: pearl: 5 gaps: 64 exp: 192 delay: 20 #in ticks on join: while player is online: amount of ender pearl in player's inventory >...
  2. N

    SK - Phones

    Uhh for one thing I would absolutely not use variables for this. ESPECIALLY if you're setting them on join. You're gonna end up deleting your server with variables. You should make a call command, an accept command, a reject command, and a hang up command. It's a good place to start while you...
  3. N

    how the fu- (yea i solved it without help so uhhh)

    This, again, isn't gonna work because as we said several times to you. You can't use %player% in an on load event.
  4. N

    Scoreboard Variable Questions

    (this is more useful if you were using a scoreboard plugin but with a scoreboard skript it should be fine)
  5. N

    Scoreboard Variable Questions

    Can I see your scoreboard script? There should be no issue. Also I don't recommend storing money in a variable.
  6. N

    Prestige with an item

    Another thing you can use is do your chat format settings with this: set chat format to "%player's prefix%%player's displayname%&f: %message%" (if you're using prefixes and stuff). That way, you can just do this: set player's displayname to "%player's displayname% &7{&6%metadata tag "prt" of...
  7. N

    this doesnt make sense (SOLVED)

    Hmm thats weird
  8. N

    this doesnt make sense (SOLVED)

    TuSKe is really old and outdated. Removing skquery broke it because you didnt change the syntax to the vanilla Skript one.
  9. N

    Prestige with an item

    SkBee is necessary due to the use of byte tags and nbt compounds.
  10. N

    loop-player is not a world

    if loop-player's helmet is leather helmet of water breathing 1:
  11. N

    this doesnt make sense (SOLVED)

    delete query, delete rayfall, update SkBee and Skript, and use all the built in skript and skbee stuff for this lol. Query and Rayfall are old and can cause issues, plus most of their syntax is in Bee and Skript. And all of your addons/skript are months out of date. Skript has built in stuff...
  12. N

    Prestige with an item

    Using my metadata and byte tag system lol
  13. N

    Java as well? Nice. Are you working on an addon?

    Java as well? Nice. Are you working on an addon?
  14. N

    Levels won't work

    You can also display a "level" NBT tag on a scoreboard/level bar/action bar/title/bossbar, rather than variables. Hell, you can store the player's job in an nbt tag, or a ram variable/metadata tag and just save it as nbt through restarts. Or you can just check the player's group since that's...
  15. N

    this doesnt make sense (SOLVED)

  16. N

    this doesnt make sense (SOLVED)

    Oh yeah, because %player% is replaced with the player name, so the variable just has lore of "Welcome %player%" but the shop item will contain "Welcome completeidiot" or "Welcome Nixters" so its never gonna work. @Gryphon2029 The {gen} variable and the gen item in the shop do match, but...
  17. N

    Script Sales Site Questions

    You can also setup a service on Ko-Fi or Fiverr where people can pay you to make a script.
  18. N

    this doesnt make sense (SOLVED)

    on inventory click is an event, not a function. Also rather than using money in a variable I recommend you use player's balance. Also please explain "doesn't work". Also also, format slot--atleast the way it's used here--looks like TuSKe syntax. Is it TuSKe or skript-gui?
  19. N

    Solved Kit List Permission check assistance

    I believe, then, that the problem lies with your variables, with stuff like {_k} and {_z} (I recommend you change those names so you know what they're doing btw, for example in normal programming a "ball width" variable wouldn't be called bw, it'd be BALLWIDTH or BALL_WIDTH (all caps in...
  20. N

    Solved Kit List Permission check assistance

    And what, exactly is the issue?