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  • Welcome to skUnity!

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  1. yabonator

    i have this skript but when i keep right clicking it is putting the cooldown again

    on region enter: wait 1 tick # "Region Enter" events usually have to wait a tick before processing (optimizing) if "%region at player%" contains "stroomportal": set cooldown of shield for player to 10 days # No one would wait 10 days for a shield- else: if cooldown of...
  2. yabonator

    broadcast book message

    on book write: broadcast all content of event-item
  3. yabonator

    Solved tab sorting?

    An easy way to sort tab is with the plugin TAB, then in the config there will be a sorting list for group ordering. It should currently look something like: owner,admin,mod,vip,default
  4. yabonator

    Custom Enchants Request & Help

    At the end, I see you have two loops that loop all players.This can be very inefficient and usually cuts down server performance Make sure to put as few loops as you can every 2 seconds: loop all players: if lore of loop-player's boots contains "&7Speed I": apply...
  5. yabonator

    Custom Enchants Request & Help

    For that you should change the lore to work like this: (Using "and" instead of setting the lore by line) give player enchanted book named "&7&lSmelter" with lore "&7Smelts the ores that you mine." and "&eTool Enchantment"
  6. yabonator

    Enchantment Fix

    The issue with sharpness is something on the vanilla side
  7. yabonator

    I am trying to create a skript that will block certain names on renaming items

    Using SkBee you can try: on load: set {blacklisted::*} to "name1" and "name2" on anvil prepare: if {blacklisted::*} contains event-slot's name: set repair cost of event-inventory to 999
  8. yabonator

    Solved List of all items/mobs/advancements

    You can get all advancements through skript-advancements all advancements
  9. yabonator

    Mending changing repair cost

    It will make the too expensive message appear later. It divides the cost which means it could still get up to "too expensive" if used enough. If you want to completely remove it you could add this: on anvil prepare: if repair cost of event-inventory >= 40: # "Too Expensive" shows at a 40...
  10. yabonator

    Custom Enchants Request & Help

    To optimize it first you can reduce the lines needed to make the initial /ce gui: command /ce: aliases: /customenchants, /customenchant, /enchants trigger: set {_gui} to a new chest inventory with 6 rows with name "&b&lCustom Enchants" set slot (integers between 0 and...
  11. yabonator

    Mending changing repair cost

    Using SkBee, you can change repair costs with: options: divide: 2 # How much mending will divide the amount by on anvil prepare: if slot 0 of event-inventory has mending: # The first tool has mending on it set repair cost of event-inventory to (repair cost of event-inventory /...
  12. yabonator

    Disable anvil renaming for paper

    Using SkBee, you can do: on anvil prepare: if slot 1 of event-inventory is not air: # Remove this to make any anvil event (enchanting or repairing) unavailable set repair cost of event-inventory to 999
  13. yabonator

    Enchantment Fix

    Protection effectively only go up to level 10. Meaning that they can only reduce 40% of damage.
  14. yabonator

    Solved Dead Horn Corals

    You can change "horn coral fan" to "living horn coral fan"
  15. yabonator

    colour codes just dont want to work anymore

    You have to add named before the string. if player has 64 coal named "&0coal":
  16. yabonator

    Solved Looking for help with a pass system

    To fix your issue: [Line 3] set tag "pass" of nbt of {passpaper} to (nbt compound from "Paper:1b") [Line 25] set {_tag} to tag "pass" of nbt of player's held item
  17. yabonator

    Varible displaying as <none> when there are mulitple names

    Your issue is that you are parsing multiple players, in a text, as offline players. What it is doing is attempting to parse something like "user1,user2" as offline players, which is not possible. That's why only one user would work fine. To fix, you could replace it with this: set {_w::*} to...
  18. yabonator

    Click on the iron door 50 times with LMB to make it break

    Solved (Post #83288)
  19. yabonator

    Click 50 times for open iron door

    Were you trying to do this: on left click on iron door: add 1 to {doorclicks::%player%} if {doorclicks::%player%} >= 50: activate event-block delete {doorclicks::%player%} wait 12 seconds deactivate event-block else: send "&fHit %50 -...