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  • Welcome to skUnity!

    Welcome to skUnity! This is a forum where members of the Skript community can communicate and interact. Skript Resource Creators can post their Resources for all to see and use.

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  1. oldasfshark

    items teleport

    so can u teleport items in a region? like if item is in region "xyz": teleport all dropped items to location at x, y, z,
  2. oldasfshark

    Solved i cant figure out how to kill ppl on region enter

    ye but i fixed it with adding the location insted of region
  3. oldasfshark

    death message

    i tried on death of player: set the death message to "Whatever you want here" it puts all of the death message
  4. oldasfshark

    shulker room

    yes but not like a big one a small one what i mean by small is like 10 5x5 boxes
  5. oldasfshark

    SkQuery A Simple Report System

    azért mert így könnyeb mint hogyha a vanilla gui hásználnád plus hogyha van benne csak egy hiba az lehet exploitolni
  6. oldasfshark

    shulker room

    i cant rly make a skript to have a shulker room its sopuse to be like a note block and on click it takes them to a room where they can safely place shulkers
  7. oldasfshark

    combat timer/combat log

    Category: combat timer / combat log Suggested name: combatlog Spigot/Skript Version : 2.7.1 papermc newest What I want: a combat timer that dosent allow ppl to log during combat the time should be 15 sec pls Ideas for commands: Ideas for permissions: When I'd like it by: 3-4 days if possible
  8. oldasfshark

    death message

  9. oldasfshark

    death message

    how can i hide a death message cause i want the death msg to be like he couldt escape the void (void) is a costume region that kills ppl on enter
  10. oldasfshark

    Solved i cant figure out how to kill ppl on region enter

    it dont work it says its not a location
  11. oldasfshark

    I need help making something very complicated

    holy moly this is large
  12. oldasfshark

    Solved i cant figure out how to kill ppl on region enter

    it says that it cant understand if player enter region "void":
  13. oldasfshark

    Solved i cant figure out how to kill ppl on region enter

    if player enter region "void": teleport player to region "void-drop" wait 5 ticks kill player