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  1. C

    Allow player place only one sponge block in a area

    it is %regions at player% not region, and it returns a list because there could be multiple regions at player try something like set {_regions::*} to regions at player loop {_regions::*}: if loop-value contains "test":
  2. C

    Allow player place only one sponge block in a area

    regarding detecting bridging, the easiest fix would probably be not allowing players to place sponge above air block break animation can be done using this: then once the animation finishes, delete the block i'm busy for a few days so i don't...
  3. C

    Allow player place only one sponge block in a area

    here you go, doesn't require any dependencies (except worldguard), it handles overlapping regions, duplicate region names in different worlds, has permission, and prevents players from destroying sponges they didn't place
  4. C

    Attributes on items

    as for why it doesn't throw an error, no idea, but there is no way to set an items attribute modifiers on the docs that i can see, you would need to edit the item nbt using skbee and add the attribute modifier yourself
  5. C

    Loop items in inventory looking for specific lore

    ah! i just realised that attacker is an entity not a player so it has no inventory, you should be able to fix it by doing set {_victim} to "%victim%" parsed as player loop all items in the inventory of {_victim}:
  6. C

    Loop items in inventory looking for specific lore

    are you sure that the lore check is the issue? this code works for me: command /test: trigger: give stone with lore "", "&4&lCONTRABAND", and "" to player loop all items in inventory of player: if lore of loop-item contains "&4&lCONTRABAND": send...
  7. C

    Armor stand yaw

    set {_loc} to event-block's location set yaw of {_loc} to player's yaw set pitch of {_loc} to player's pitch remove 0.5 from y coordinate of {_loc} spawn armor stand at {_loc} here is a working version of the code you supplied, which will spawn an armour stand at the event block looking in the...
  8. C

    Skript Skript Beginner Tutorial #1