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  • Welcome to skUnity!

    Welcome to skUnity! This is a forum where members of the Skript community can communicate and interact. Skript Resource Creators can post their Resources for all to see and use.

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  1. L

    Script AutoPickup Script

    Brother there's no need for all the damn lines of code then, just autopickup is simple by just canceling drops to any event then using nbt to get the drops.
  2. L

    Help with custom pickaxe skript

    this skript does it as well anyways lmao, but i fixed this shit a long time ago
  3. L

    Help with custom pickaxe skript

    The if clicked slot is 10: if {pickaxe::upgrades::multiplier::%player's uuid%} <= 5: broadcast "x" #if {stars::%player's uuid%} >= {pickaxe::upcost::multiplier::%player's uuid%}: #broadcast "x2" if {blocksmined::%player's uuid%} <= {pickaxe::upreq::multiplier::%player's uuid%}: broadcast "x3"...
  4. L

    Help with custom pickaxe skript

    options: prefix: "&5&lZETHERIUM &8➠ &r" starsvariable: {stars::%player's uuid%} minerspickaxe: {pickaxe::item} function upgradeCOST(p: player, enchant: string): #Multiplier Enchant if {_enchant} is "multiplier": if {_enchlevel} < 5: set {_cost} to...