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  • Welcome to skUnity!

    Welcome to skUnity! This is a forum where members of the Skript community can communicate and interact. Skript Resource Creators can post their Resources for all to see and use.

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  1. Welly817

    armor stand player head & rotation

    i dont know how to put a player head with a custom texture on its head and how to make it rotate.
  2. Welly817

    I need quick help

  3. Welly817

    I need quick help

    doesent work
  4. Welly817

    I need quick help

    i actually didnt check the forum in these days, ill try rn.
  5. Welly817

    I need quick help

    how do i check if player has a player head named "" in helmet armor slot? i wanna make a on shoot: or on projectile collide: event where if player has a player head named "" in their helmet armor slot the damage of the arrow would be multiplied by 3
  6. Welly817

    skript not working

    actually i need the code to just drop the items on the ground if your inventory is full and also add a on mine: event similiar to this on mine: set event-drops to {_item} if player can hold 1 of {_item}: cancel drops give drops of event-block to player
  7. Welly817

    skript not working

  8. Welly817

    skript not working

    on death: if attacker is player: cancel drops give drops of victim to attacker when i reload it everything is fine but i just dont get the drops