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  • Welcome to skUnity!

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  1. dialed

    Script GUI Code Generator

    I get that, but not everyone has editor, not everyone has the correct operating system, not everyone uses skeditor.
  2. dialed

    Script GUI Code Generator

    Thanks! if you have any recommendations lmk.
  3. dialed

    Script Item Database

    Definetly a cool idea, I would use something else tho, variables aren't rlly a data base, u could try using nbt files or something else. or maybe a real database. but the concept is cool
  4. dialed

    Script GUI Code Generator

    dialed submitted a new resource: GUI Code Generator - Easily create GUIs with a simple command Read more about this resource...
  5. dialed

    Script GUI Code Generator 1.0

    The Minecraft GUI Generator is a user-friendly tool designed to simplify the process of creating custom Graphical User Interfaces (GUIs) for Minecraft Skript scripts. With an intuitive interface and a wide range of customization options, this generator allows users to effortlessly design and...
  6. dialed

    Solved how to check "if player is in world(the_end):" (COMPLETE)

    set {_world} to world of player then just use a conditional to chunk what {_world} is
  7. dialed

    Custom heads in gui

    Well wahts the issue?
  8. dialed

    Solved Skript-gui not exactly working as intended.

    indentation, idk if its the website messing it up, I would honestly recommend using vanilla guis tho