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  1. DanRub

    Solved Skript crashes sever

    Dont forget to mark this post as solved
  2. DanRub

    Solved Skript crashes sever

    Yes, it is but you are missing "is" in your line so it will be if block under player is not gold block:
  3. DanRub

    Solved Skript crashes sever

    while boots of player is {customitems::flyboots}: if block under player not gold block: set block under player to gold block wait 0.2 seconds smth like that
  4. DanRub

    Solved Skript crashes sever

    Its probably because of the while loop you have there in the on armor change event. Try adding a wait time.
  5. DanRub

    It reloads with no errors but the player head wont show up

    just remove the "_" at the beginning of the variable. so instead of {_uuid} it will be {uuid}
  6. DanRub

    arg not registering

    Okay, Im glad to hear that. Don't forget to mark this post as solved.
  7. DanRub

    arg not registering

    What error? I would also recommend you to rewrite "%arg-1% to "%uuid of arg-1%"
  8. DanRub

    The code returns with no errors but the player head won't show up

    Then you must have error somewhere else.
  9. DanRub

    The code returns with no errors but the player head won't show up

    Did you put name of the player not uuid to the first quotes?
  10. DanRub

    Making Numbers To Letters

    Send me what you did
  11. DanRub

    The code returns with no errors but the player head won't show up

    Then you did something wrong
  12. DanRub

    The code returns with no errors but the player head won't show up

    ._. i literally sent you the code above, use this: set slot {_s} of {Revive::Gui} to skull of "%{_uuid}%" parsed as offline player named "&e%{_T}%" (if the variable {_uuid} is name, if its uuid then set the uuid to name and put the name there.
  13. DanRub

    The code returns with no errors but the player head won't show up

    Okay then, send me the line that should work but doesn't work the way it's supposed to.
  14. DanRub

    Making Numbers To Letters

    split the variable and instead of the variable put there the split.
  15. DanRub

    The code returns with no errors but the player head won't show up

    Im not sure if this is the problem you have, but im assuming it is when there is only one mention about skull in this code, then try this: skull of "%player%" parsed as offline player named "Something"
  16. DanRub

    Solved will this skript work? if not please fix it

    Hm, thats interesting, i looked in the docs again and elements are only from skript (not any special addons) so its strange that its throwing error on your server. On my server its running completely fine.
  17. DanRub

    It says that I need to use "attacker" or "victim" for death/damage events

    send action bar "&4Locked | %{cooldown_display.%attacker's uuid%.locked}%s" send action bar "&9Locked | %{timer_display.%attacker's uuid%.locked}s" Right here, at the end of those 2 lines add "to attacker" or "to victim"
  18. DanRub

    Solved will this skript work? if not please fix it

    Unfortunately for you there is no syntax error for the random element, there is your LOVELY syntax you are still yapping about [a] random element [out] of %objects% For the second "syntax" i just coppied the code that the guy had there, because why would i change his console command? That...
  19. DanRub

    Solved will this skript work? if not please fix it

    okay thats possible i didnt test it, you did, i dont have time to that rn, anyways the syntax error is where? xd Also you should add the loop on load to your skript, atleast i would do that. But like i said i did it from what i understand. :/
  20. DanRub

    Solved will this skript work? if not please fix it

    okay, You think your way, I think my way, it doesn't matter, the dude here has code of all kinds, so he can choose what he wants