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  • Welcome to skUnity!

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  1. V

    Permission or integer array inspect

    Hello I want to make the script detect the number from the player's Permission config. From this code if player has permission "inventoryweight.maxweight.150": execute console command "/lp user %arg-1% permission unset inventoryweight.maxweight.150" if...
  2. V

    How to make a Scale(List)

    I still don't understand how to make a scale I want each player with the "magic" perm to have a mana scale, and I can describe different conditions so that this scale (Mana) can Decrease (-) and Increase (+) Separately for each player
  3. V

    Solved Around saved varriable

    command /covertrack: cooldown: 1 seconds cooldown message: Ждите &c%remaining time% &fсекунд! trigger: set {b} to all blocks in radius 15 of player set {covertrack::%player%} to location of player command /inspect: cooldown: 1 seconds cooldown message: Ждите...
  4. V

    How to make permissions work?

    script options: $ use permissions every 1 seconds: loop all players: if loop-player have the scoreboard tag "Z": add "zinfection" to looped-player's permissions execute loop-player command "/zinfection" I've been trying to enable permissions for several...
  5. V

    Save chest

    command /backpack2: permission: op trigger: player has permission "op" open chest to player save chest I want the chest to be saved when closing, and if possible, to have it for each player separately
  6. V

    Solved loop all player near players what have the scoreboard tag "Z":

    Stuck I want all players who were within 15 blocks of the player with the scoreboard "Z" to write a command every 15 seconds with a certain chance every 15 seconds: loop all players: if player have the scoreboard tag "Z": chance of 99%: wait 40 ticks
  7. V

    Solved if player contais haste

    on block place: set {BlockByPlayer::%event-location%} to player on break of any log: if {BlockByPlayer::%event-location%} is set: stop ^ #In this place, all works fine | if player contains hase: stop ^ |...
  8. V

    Solved Selectors and arg-1

    Script Version: 2.6.3 BoringSK v2.0 Skellett v2.0.3 SkRayFall v1.9.27 SkQuery v4.1.6 SkBee v2.5.1 Vault v1.7.3 WorldGuard v7.0.7 Script Author: Me (Vxnku) Minecraft Version: 1.18.1 Full Code: command /Infect <text> <player>: permission: op trigger: if "%arg-1%" is "Zombie"...