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  • Welcome to skUnity!

    Welcome to skUnity! This is a forum where members of the Skript community can communicate and interact. Skript Resource Creators can post their Resources for all to see and use.

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  1. R

    How do you force an armor stand to ride a player?

    Hello. I didn't want to create a thread about this but here we are. I need to create a skript that hides a person's nametag via INVISIBLE armor stand, since minecraft teams don't work because LuckPerms interfeers with it. For instance, i need this to be done via command and while wearing a...
  2. R

    Give CustomModelData via code

    Hello. I've been trying to search this on google, but didn't find anything. I wanted to make a code that gave you CustomModelData when triggering a command, but nothing seemed to work out. One more thing, how do i put stuff in a code box? I'm confused. Version: 1.16.5 Addons: None Code: command...
  3. R

    Take an element from a variable and compare it to an argument

    Hello! Today i tried again developing my skript to hire, fire, promote, or demote by changing a person's luckperm group. I tried out, many, and i mean many stuff, but none of it worked. I thought of something like this: on script load: set {string::*} to "assumi", "promuovi", "licenzia" and...
  4. R

    Compare arg with text

    Nope. still isn't working.
  5. R

    Compare arg with text

    Sadly, none of these work. I'm on 1.16.5 and using skript 2.5.
  6. R

    Compare arg with text

    Hello! Today i was trying to make a skript to change a person's group on luckperms. I wanted it to be the same command and then an argument that said what to do (Promote, demote, fire, hire). Here's what i tried out: command /carabinieri [<text>] <player>: permission: assumi.carabiniere...
  7. R

    Solved Not being able to register multiple objects for one variable.

    Hello! In my previous thread, i talked about my skript for registration numbers. Allthough it works, i wanted to try and put some letters in it, before the numbers. Here's what i tried to do: on script load: set {L} to "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H", "I", "J", "K", "L", "M", "N"...
  8. R

    Solved Get the player to send a random variable

    Hello! Today i wanted to add a sort of registration number to use on guns on my roleplay server. I thought of something like this: command /matricola: trigger: set {_random} to a random integer between 1 and 999 make player execute command "/setlore &7Matricola: &a{_random}"...