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  • Welcome to skUnity!

    Welcome to skUnity! This is a forum where members of the Skript community can communicate and interact. Skript Resource Creators can post their Resources for all to see and use.

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  1. S

    Help with armor equip and unequip bugs

    On my small private server, I have created special armor which when all pieces are equipped, the player is given a potion effect. One of my player's found that if you spam click the armor with just your mouse it registers as putting armor on without taking it off, and if you spam click with an...
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    Get Enchants on Enchanted Books

    I've had to totally change anvils on my server due to a naming bug, so I am having to create a system which allows player's to enchant their tools without anvils. I have a system where if they right click with a piece of paper, it enchants the player's first slot with the enchantments of the...
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    Give player enchanted book with list variable for enchants

    I am trying to make a disenchantment command that will later tie in with an npc. Atm im using a command that requires permissions. command /disenchant: trigger: player has permission "disenchant" set {_enchants::*} to enchants of player's tool send "&aSucessfully...
  4. S

    Set NBT in 1.12?

    I am just screwing around with NBT atm and i cant seem to get it to work. It is not returning any errors. It might be because I am running an outdated version, but i am using the Tuke-Nuke fork. I am running a 1.12.2 server. on damage: add "{AttackDamage:123}" to nbt of attacker's tool...
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    Anvils breaking colored name, is there a way to avoid this?

    on anvil rename: name of player's tool contains "&r" cancel event Everytime I try to repair an item with a custom name in an anvil, it removes the item's color. Is there a way to test for the coloration of an item name? Thank you!
  6. S

    Solved Add item to variable block

    I am trying to make a skript that makes cobble stone turn to stone, and the results would be put into a chest. aliases: any cauldron = 380:0-3 on left click on any cauldron: block 1 below is a note block player is holding cobble stone cancel event set {_a} to amount of...
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    Solved Wait {_w} seconds

    I am working on making a simple brick furnace skript, but it is returning errors function smelt(p: player): set {_i} to {_p}'s tool {_i} is an ore send "test" to {_p} set {_a} to amount of {_p}'s tool if {_i} is iron ore: remove {_a} of {_i} from {_p} send...
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    Variables in Function Names

    Hello! I am trying to make a simple skript where I can easily copy and paste files to create many easy to make shops. For my code, I need the Functions to have specific names for each skript file. options: shopname: TestMerchant name: Dealer item1: leather name1: &eLeather...
  9. S

    How to detect item in player's gui?

    Im trying to create an item gui that replaces anvil's repair feature. I've tried to find out ways how to drag and drop an item into a virtual hopper inventory using Tuske and repairing it, but I have not been able to find out how to do this. Can one of you guys help me out?