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  • Welcome to skUnity!

    Welcome to skUnity! This is a forum where members of the Skript community can communicate and interact. Skript Resource Creators can post their Resources for all to see and use.

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  1. JustADev

    [FREE] Skript Dev

    Add me on discord: JustADev#5444, just looking for something to do, ;D Would gladly help anyone
  2. JustADev

    List Variable to All Files in Specified Directory

    Question: I use Skript-YAML, and have looked at the syntax. But is there a way to set a list var to all files in a specified directory using Skript-YAML. My current system is: And inside Rotations I have: And I want to set like {_List::*} to all of the files within the "Rotations" folder...
  3. JustADev

    [Suggestion] [sKForums] Insert Code Revamp

    Hey, this is just an idea, but it would be so much more convenient if you could TAB your lines of code inside the insert code tool, instead of having to press 4 spaces each time you want to indent something. The current problem is that whenever you try to tab inside the Code Editor in a forum...
  4. JustADev

    Solved DrawBox?

    Is there any snippits out there for creating a cube with world edit, Cube: //walls //set (//set is for the top) Just wondering - Dev nvm
  5. JustADev

    ASkyblock Addon

    Hey, could anyone create an ASkyblock Addon, it would be so cool if that were to happen. Been waiting for a while now, seeing if anyone would make it, hasn't occurred yet
  6. JustADev

    JustADev's Snippits

    Lines of Lore: Determines the number of lines of lore on an item Code: Usage: Empty Slots: Determines the number of empty slots for any given range of slots in a player's inventory Code: Usage: Set Slots: Determines the number of set slots for any given range of slots in a player's...
  7. JustADev

    Capture the flag Skript

    Category: Minigame Suggested name: What I want: * 2 Teams [Red/Blue] * Tablist names [R] Yourname or Yourname * 15 minute timer * Capture each other's flag to win [Wool Banner] * Map rotation system * 1.9+ Ideas for commands: /ctw setlobby /ctw setafklobby /ctw setspawn [Map] [Team]...
  8. JustADev

    Hiring ChaoticMC looking for part-time dev

    Server/Person name: Chaotic MC Brief about you: Started working on skripts 2 years ago Perm or temp?: Temp Basic idea of request: Idea to help with basic factions ideas Budget/Offering: Offering flexible hours of working Wanted by/timeframe: No later than 1 week RESPOND to this thread if...
  9. JustADev


    Why can't I set this variable to a holo? code: set block at {_loc} to a ender chest create hologram "&2&lEmerald Generator; &7Level 1" at location 1 above {_Loc}
  10. JustADev

    Solved expression for the person who placed a block

    Q: Is there an expression for a person who placed down a block like "Block Placer"?
  11. JustADev

    Solved Block location next to block in all directions?

    Plugins: SkQuery Skript 2.2 SkDragon Umbaska Version; Spigot 1.8 Question: How do I make it so that when emerald ore is placed in a cross like this: Key: x = air o = ore xox ooo xox that the blocks are removed and an enderchest spawns in the middle?
  12. JustADev

    Block Place

    Plugins: SkQuery Skript 2.2 SkDragon Umbaska Version; Spigot 1.8 Question: How do I make it so that when emerald ore is placed in a cross like this: Key: x = air o = ore xox ooo xox that the blocks are removed and an enderchest spawns in the middle?
  13. JustADev

    Hologram Top 5 Leaderboard

    Plugins Installed: Skript v2.2 SkQuery Umbaska SkDragon HolographicDisplays Server Version: Spigot-1.8-version Question: Why does my code not recognize the loop-index? Code: every 5 seconds: loop {Kills::*}: add 1 to {_size}...
  14. JustADev

    Timing Help

    Q: How do I make this remove 1 second while {Time::%player%} is set? Code: command /dailyrewards: description: Rewards command trigger: wait 1 tick open chest with 1 row named "Daily Rewards" to player wait 1 tick if {Time::%player%} is not set...
  15. JustADev

    Solved Allow color codes passthrough

    Q: How do I make it so that if I do /devalert &5Hello it says &5Hello? Code: command /devalert [<text>]: trigger: if arg-1 is not set: send "&cYou must specify a text" else: broadcast "&cDevelopment &8&l» &7%arg-1%" play "NOTE_PLING" to...
  16. JustADev

    Yin Yang

    Q: Is there any way to make the Yin Yang symbol at someones feet using skdragon/particles?
  17. JustADev

    Death help

    Q: How do I make it so that if you kill yourself, it doesnt make you execute the command "/g1234" Code: if damage was caused by attack: if victim is player: if {DeathMessages} is set: set {VHealth::%attacker%} to rounded health of attacker...
  18. JustADev

    Teleportation with blocks

    Question: How do I make it so when a player right clicks the sword and teleports, that if there is a block in front of them, it will teleport them 1 block away from the block? Code: on rightclick with diamond sword: name of player's tool is "&eEnderman Sword": set {_Waited} to...
  19. JustADev

    Solved Pex groups

    I'm wondering how to check if some argument is some group using PermissionsEX plugin. I tried : if arg 1 group is "Member": and also if group of arg 1 is "Member: With the first I'm getting Can't compare... error and with the second Can't understand this condition. So, where is my fault? Code...
  20. JustADev


    Code: on rightclick with diamond sword: name of player's tool is "&eIce Mage Sword": set {_Waited} to difference between {Freeze::%player%} and now if {_Waited} is less than 20 seconds: stop else: set {AbilityInUse} to "True" send...