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  • Welcome to skUnity!

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  1. L

    Solved Cant understand this condition (Sound)

    ok ty and just to be exatly do it need to be that version or can is also b e like Dev27 or 36
  2. L

    Solved Cant understand this condition (Sound)

    play sound "" with volume 1 and pitch 1 to player There comes and error where it says cant understand this condition and its supposet to say a villager sound when i click on the npc but it dont because of the error but i dont know how to fix it
  3. L

    Solved Cant understand this condition

    Thank you so much
  4. L

    Solved Cant understand this condition

    I dont remember how to mark as solved but ill figer it out and the part With the sound it still dont work but I prob just need a New version of skunity
  5. L

    Solved Cant understand this condition

    oof my bad but thank you alot
  6. L

    Solved Cant understand this condition

    on rightclick on entity: if name of entity is "&3L": if {%player%.Lclick} = false set {%player%.Lclick} to true if {%player%.L} = 0: message "&3L: &7Hej Person! Du må være ny her i byen. (1/3)" to player set {%player%.jim} to 1 play...