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  • Welcome to skUnity!

    Welcome to skUnity! This is a forum where members of the Skript community can communicate and interact. Skript Resource Creators can post their Resources for all to see and use.

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  1. I want to add a mode item to the skript aliases

    I'm using the Skript 2.6 version and the Mohist. In order to use the mode item in set slots and various syntax, I want to add the mode item to the skript aliases, what should I do?
  2. no messages stored in yml

    options: s: &b[ &f인생 &f리조트 &b]&f command /재판신청 [<text>] [<text>]: trigger: if arg 1 is not set: set {chat5.%player%} to true send "{@s} 채팅에 원하시는 상대와 신청사유를 입력해주세요." send "{@s} 양식" send "{@s} 닉네임: 사유: " add 1...
  3. Solved time in world is between 18:00 and 6:00:

    time in world is between 18:00 and 6:00: broadcast "&b[ &f인생 &f리조트 &b]&f 저녁시간 입니다, &c몬스터를 조심하세요!" [22:47:42 ERROR]: [Skript] can't understand this event: 'time in world is between 18:00 and 6:00' (, line 16: time in world is between 18:00 and 6:00:') I use skript 2.6beta2
  4. Lore are created sideways.

    set slot {주식::목록::%loop-index%::슬롯} of current inventory of player to {주식::목록::%loop-index%} named "&f%loop-index%" with lore "&6[가격정보] &e▶ 처음가격 : %{주식::목록::%loop-index%::상장가}% &f▶ 판매가격 : %{주식::목록::%loop-index%::매매가}%원" with lore "&6[개수] &f▶...
  5. How can I make a player lose 10% of their property when they die?

    에 1 추가 재산은 인벤토리 슬롯이 아니라 돈입니다.
  6. How can I make a player lose 10% of their property when they die?

    How can I make a player lose 10% of their property when they die?
  7. Solved How can I randomly remove 1 slot for a player's inventory item when the player dies?

    Wouldn't this code also include empty item slots? I only want to remove one of the item slots I have from the player slot
  8. Solved How can I randomly remove 1 slot for a player's inventory item when the player dies?

    options: ID: on death: set {_inv::*} to slots of player's inventory set {_inv::*} to shuffled {_inv::*} delete {_inv::1} if {_inv::1} is set set {{@ID}::storage::*} to {_inv::*} I've written the syntax so far, but I don't know how