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  1. P

    Solved How would I get what day it is?

    So I'm trying to make this funny /discord where it explains exactly how someones day went by what day it was, but I don't know how I would see what day it would be and I don't want to use "wait 24 hours" because if server crashes, etc.
  2. P

    Solved My quest skript doesn't give a quest sometimes and it also sometimes gives more than 1 quest

    so how would i make the random integer then run one of the functions? would i do "if {_random} = 1"?
  3. P

    Solved My quest skript doesn't give a quest sometimes and it also sometimes gives more than 1 quest

    So as the title says. My quest skript that I've been tryna fix for around 2 days gives more than 1 quest sometimes and it's pretty dumb. Heres the skript. function tokenReward(p: player): chance of 50%: send "&eYou have completed a quest and have gotten 1 Quest Token" to {_p} give...
  4. P

    Solved Everything works but the actually quest part

    i already fixed it, it was because i was setting the variables to 0 thinking that would count them as set. heres my fixed one function tokenReward(p: player): chance of 50%: send "&eYou have completed a quest and have gotten 1 Quest Token" give player sunflower named "&eQuest Token"...
  5. P

    Solved How would I get a random function out of a list

    ok thanks for letting me know
  6. P

    Solved How would I get a random function out of a list

    i got an error in the parser from it though?
  7. P

    Solved How would I get a random function out of a list

    because im trying to have more quest than 1 and i cant do {quest::%player's uuid%::zombiequest} for example
  8. P

    Solved Everything works but the actually quest part

    because i didnt add those yet, i only added the zombie for now and it doesnt work
  9. P

    Solved Everything works but the actually quest part

    So I made a quest system for a server I skript on, I went to test it out on my server with a boosted chance to get the zombie quest so i can test if the quest will work. I killed 50 zombies as my quest says to do and didnt get no message. No skript errors either. I even added a thing where itll...
  10. P

    Solved How would I get a random function out of a list

    function getQuest(p: player): if {%{_p}%'s uuid::*} is set: send "&cYou already have a ongoing quest! Use /currentquest to view your current quest." to {_p} else: set {%{_p}'s uuid::*} to random element out of {quests::*} that is my code, I would like to know how would i set a...
  11. P

    Playtime Top Won't Work

    1. sorry didnt know 2. i didnt made it myself 3. i already found out what i did wrong
  12. P

    Skript Functions

  13. P

    Homing Arrows

    Hello, I have tried to make a homing bow before and it never worked. If someone could make this that would be great!
  14. P

    Playtime Top Won't Work

    command /playtop: aliases: /ptop trigger: loop {playtime.time::*}: add 1 to {_size} if {} is not set: set {} to loop-index else: set {_n} to 0 loop {_size} times: set {_n} to...
  15. P

    Solved Check if chest is double chest?

    did you check docs?
  16. P

    There's no player in a periodical event

    every 1 second in world "world": loop all players: add ({cursors::%loop-player's uuid%} * 5) * {multiplier::%loop-player's uuid%} to player's balance add ({grandmas::%loop-player's uuid%} * 40) * {multiplier::%loop-player's uuid%} to player's balance add ({farms::%loop-player's...
  17. P

    Solved how to make a queue system for minigame

    go to skript request instead of this