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  • Welcome to skUnity!

    Welcome to skUnity! This is a forum where members of the Skript community can communicate and interact. Skript Resource Creators can post their Resources for all to see and use.

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  1. S

    Custom Item Crafting Glitch

    I try to craft the item but when I put in the materials it doesn't work, but when I take them out it works and no materials are used. on load: register new shaped recipe for netherite helmet of protection 7 named "&lAncient Helmet" using netherite scrap, netherite scrap, netherite scrap...
  2. S

    Minehut Server Crash Glitch With Custom Item

    on load: register new shaped recipe for block of gold of glowing named "&lTriforce of Wisdom" using block of gold, block of gold, block of gold, block of gold, heart of the sea, block of gold, block of gold, block of gold, block of gold When I try to reload the file with /sk reload [file]...
  3. S

    Custom Item Crafting Glitch

    I try to craft the item but when I put in the materials it doesn't work, but when I take them out it works and no materials are used. on load: register new shaped recipe for netherite helmet of protection 7 named "&lAncient Helmet" using netherite scrap, netherite scrap, netherite scrap...
  4. S

    Solved Enchanted Golden Recipe Not Working

    I also have sk querry on load: register new shapeless recipe for 1 enchanted golden apple using golden block, golden block, golden block, golden block, golden block, golden block, golden block, golden block, apple
  5. S

    How Do I Make This?

    How do I make an item that has the appearance of it being enchanted but it's not like Hypixel's enchanted spider eye?