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  1. S

    Server cannot bind to proxy server address even though another paper server already did

    The proxy is bound to 25565 and the paper servers are 10051 and 10052. For Skungee however, the config said to keep the skungee ports the same across all client servers.
  2. S

    Server cannot bind to proxy server address even though another paper server already did

    How does skungee know to connect to the proxy? or does it not matter
  3. S

    Server cannot bind to proxy server address even though another paper server already did

    So is there any way to use Skungee on a local machine with multiple servers?
  4. S

    Server cannot bind to proxy server address even though another paper server already did

    I connected my 2 spigot servers with Skungee 2.0.0 Beta5 to my proxy with the same version of skungee, and default configs, one server boots up fine and connects to the proxy port, but the second one says " Address already in use: bind" even tho its the same port as stated...
  5. S

    Yo, what is litty dawg. I connected my 2 spigot servers with Skungee 2.0.0 Beta5 to my proxy...

    Yo, what is litty dawg. I connected my 2 spigot servers with Skungee 2.0.0 Beta5 to my proxy with the same version of skungee, and default configs, one server boots up fine and connects to the proxy port, but the second one says " Address already in use: bind" even tho its...
  6. S

    Unbind hologram from entity with skRayFall?

    How do u unbind a hologram from skrayfall? This is the skript i tried and it doesnt work on death: if {pvp.%victim%.spawn} is true: unbind hologram of entity
  7. S

    Hide Item Flags

    I am trying to make it so if you hold an item it autimatically updates name and lore to it with enchants and all but i cant seem to hide the flag enchants? How would i do that? This is my code every 1 second: loop all players: if loop-player is holding end portal frame...
  8. S

    auto update lore?

    wait i have one more questiuon how would i add an enchantment to an item and hide the flag enchantment ? like this: every 1 real tick: loop all players: if loop-player is holding wood: set lore of loop-player's tool to "&fUpdated wood" enchant item with...
  9. S

    auto update lore?

    Thanks so much!
  10. S

    auto update lore?

    what would the full code look like?
  11. S

    auto update lore?

    How would i create a skript where if a player is holding a block of wood that has nbt tag "WOOD:1b" would autimatically set the name to "Updated wood"
  12. S

    put player head in players hand on head

    on rightclick with playerhead it puts that playerhead on the players head slot is that possible? how would i do that?
  13. S

    error in skript console

    i started using deluxetags and on right click with paper with tag name runs a console command that gives them permission in /tags i right clicked the waiver to test and nothing happened. So i looked in console and saw this. Any help? Thanks! :)