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  • Welcome to skUnity!

    Welcome to skUnity! This is a forum where members of the Skript community can communicate and interact. Skript Resource Creators can post their Resources for all to see and use.

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  1. M

    Does Skellet's regenerator know which world it's in?

    If I have 2 worlds on my server (using multiverse) and I make a Skellet regenerator in one of them, will it always regenerate in that world? Or do I have to somehow specify the world in which it will regenerate? Thanks
  2. M

    Why do my loops repeat even after I reload the script?

    Here: on script load: while online player count is less than 2: broadcast "player count is less than 2 (%online player count%)" wait 20 ticks I'm trying to make the server wait until there is enough players to start a game Also, when i try exit all loops it says: "Can't stop...
  3. M

    Why do my loops repeat even after I reload the script?

    Title says everything
  4. M

    Target block to the right of the player

    Is there an expression that does something like block below/behind/above/in front of the player but targets the block on the right/left of the player?