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  • Welcome to skUnity!

    Welcome to skUnity! This is a forum where members of the Skript community can communicate and interact. Skript Resource Creators can post their Resources for all to see and use.

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  1. Turtlord

    Solved Double Jump

    Hello, I found a double jump skript that works and I tried adding that only if the player is wearing specific armor it would let him double jump put then I saw that if the player doesn't wear the armor he starts flying on flight toggle: player's gamemode is not creative player is...
  2. Turtlord

    Player Teleport

    How do I make the player teleport 10 blocks forward? I got this from a different forum: loop blocks from the block at the player to block at {_loc}: if loop-block is solid: set {_loc} to loop-block location teleport player to {_loc} I added the "set {_loc} to...
  3. Turtlord

    Custom Enchantments?

    So lately, I've been trying to make custom enchantments with TuSKe: on skript load: register a new custom enchantment with id name "Replanish" set {replanish} to "Replanish" parsed as custom enchantment set max level of {replanish} to 1 set rarity of {replanish}...
  4. Turtlord

    Custom Enchants

    So I made a new custom enchant... And I don't know how to apply the enchantment on a tool on skript load: register a new custom enchantment with id name "Replanish" set {_enchantment} to "Replanish" parsed as custom enchantment set max level of {_enchantment} to 1...
  5. Turtlord

    damage of fire

    Can't understand the error on damage: damage cause is burning: if {rank.%player%} is "&6Dragon": apply strength to player for 999 days The Error:
  6. Turtlord

    Player's Angle

    I'm trying to recreate an Aspect of the End from Hypixel Skyblock so I tried to detect the player's angle and it didn't work if player's facing angle is 65: push player 3 blocks 65 at speed 10 anyone?????
  7. Turtlord

    Teleport Player From Current Location

    I wanna try to re-create the AOTE from Hypixel Skyblock And this code is not working: on right click: if held item's name is "&9Aspect Of The End": teleport player 5 blocks further than player's location I Need A Fix
  8. Turtlord

    Solved How to detect a projectile name?

    Working on a Grenade and the code I'm doing doesn't work on projectile hit: projectile is snowball: shooter is a player: shooter's projectile's name is "Grenade": create an explosion of force 3 at the projectile stop trigger anyone?
  9. Turtlord

    Loop sideways

    this code is not working: loop blocks sideways: need a fix
  10. Turtlord

    Solved OffHand Detect

    How do I detect if held Item is in the offhand - like this code but, in offhand if held item's name is "name":
  11. Turtlord

    Cooldown for loops

    Hi, I need help. :/ I don't understand how to add a cooldown to a loop. This is the code: loop 5 times at cooldown of 0.01 seconds: make player shoot an arrow at velocity 0.75 (its not working)